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街机游戏中文名:  劲舞革命
游戏文件格式:  .zip
ROM文件大小:  MB
街机游戏运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
街机游戏推荐:  ★★★☆☆
街机游戏授权:  免费游戏,free game
发布时间:  2017-08-11
街机游戏测试:  mameplus0.118测试通过


劲舞革命 Dance Dance Revolution 1998 Konami出品,新街机模拟器支持跳舞机类ddrj.zip街机游戏



In Dance Dance Revolution, a player must move his or her feet to a set pattern, stepping in time to the general rhythm or beat of a song. During normal gameplay, arrows scroll upwards from the bottom of the screen and pass over stationary, transparent arrows near the top (referred to as the 'guide arrows' or 'arrow casting'). When the scrolling arrows overlap the stationary ones, the player must step on the corresponding arrows on the dance platform. Successfully hitting the arrows in time with the music fills the 'Dance Gauge', or life bar, while failure to do so drains it. If the Dance Gauge is fully depleted during gameplay, the player fails the song, usually resulting in a game over. Otherwise, the player is taken to the Results Screen, which rates the player's performance with a letter grade and a numerical score, among other statistics. The player may then be given a chance to play again, depending on the settings of the particular machine (the limit is usually 3-5 songs per game).
DDR is often criticized as being rigid and bearing little resemblance to actual dancing. Many players, in order to better focus on timing and pattern reading, will minimize any extraneous body movement during gameplay. These players are commonly referred to as 'technical', 'tech' or 'perfect attack' (PA) players. However, there are those who prefer style over accuracy, and may incorporate complex or flashy techniques into their play movements. Some dedicated 'freestyle' players will even develop intricate dance routines to perform during a song. Technical players will often practice the most difficult songs for extended periods of time, while freestyle players will choose songs on lower difficulty levels, as to accommodate their desires for easier movement.

街机游戏下载地址: 下载点1->无链接信息!
下载说明: ☉推荐使用快车下载劲舞革命,使用 WinRAR v3.50 以上版本解压本站软件。
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