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NGP游戏中文名:  掘金者-失落之城的传说
文件格式:  .rar
文件大小:  389KB
游戏运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
游戏推荐:  ★★★☆☆
游戏授权:  免费游戏,free game
发布时间:  2015-05-22
模拟游戏测试:  如需要密码-请输入解压密码:www.biandown.com


Digger Tom V Poiskah Drevnego Goroda (R)[!]

A quick update, while I have some time. ;) Big thanks to all involved, especially to nikita600 fot the dump itself of another russian translation of the game from the past ninties. This time we have translated "Digger - The Legend of the Lost City". There are some issues in this translation, but this seems more exciting. Obviously, the source for this translation is a pirate version rather than the original ROM dump, so the "1991" message is from it, but not the actual year of translation, which is should be after 1994-1995 year.

Thanks a lot to MrNorbert1994 for providing this cart, which I wanted to dump a long time ago, but didn't success before now. All attempts has mysteriously failed. Besides, this time there also has some problems, but mostly I managed to fix it with reparing of multiple dumps. As a result, this dump is working much stable than the actual cart on the real hardware. :) Anyway, can't say this is a good dump anyway, so mark it as [f1] by now. If I manage to find the a good version, I'll dump it for sure and reupload.

山寨模拟游戏下载地址: 下载点1->点我进行下载
下载说明: ☉推荐使用快车下载掘金者-失落之城的传说,使用 WinRAR v3.50 以上版本解压本站软件。

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