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街机游戏中文名:  拼图之爱
游戏文件格式:  .zip
ROM文件大小:  733KB
街机游戏运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
街机游戏推荐:  ★★★☆☆
街机游戏授权:  免费游戏,free game
发布时间:  2015-02-07
街机游戏测试:  最新中文街机游戏模拟器测试通过




Manuel Assoni dumped a Korean game for which there was previously very little information about online.
The game is called ‘PuzzLove’ and it’s by Para (Paradise of Amusement) so it slotted into the driver we have for their other game (Silver Millennium) however there were some graphical errors with the sprites (wrong sizes, flickering). The Silver Millennium hardware is one of the many Korean hardware types using Tumble Pop style sprites as a base so I was a little surprised to see sprite glitches.


I took a quick look and it turns out they had simply swapped one bit of the sprite height attribute with the ‘blink / flicker’ bit. This was probably done as a simple kind of protection to stop board swaps. I added a special case for this game, and the glitches were fixed.

The game is a collection of mini-games accessed through the maze screen, I don’t get the impression there is a huge variety on offer but it’s an interesting original Korean development from 1994. Huge thanks to Manuel Assoni for dumping the ROMs from his PCB.

推荐用 最新中文街机模拟器mameplus0.159,最新中文街机模拟器

街机游戏下载地址: 下载点1->点我进行下载
下载说明: ☉推荐使用快车下载拼图之爱,使用 WinRAR v3.50 以上版本解压本站软件。
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