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街机游戏中文名:  新兵训练营
游戏文件格式:  .zip
ROM文件大小:  512KB
街机游戏运行环境:  Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X
街机游戏推荐:  ★★★☆☆
街机游戏授权:  免费游戏,free game
发布时间:  2015-03-08
街机游戏测试:  最新中文街机游戏模拟器测试通过
战争训练营二版 新兵训练营 bootcampa.zip
新兵训练营 Boot Camp (c) 1987 Konami,Combat School,bootcampa.zip,战争训练营二版






American version. For more information about the game, please see the original version entry; "Combat School [Model GX611]".
Combat School is a one or two player multi-event combat game, similar in gameplay style to Konami's "Track and Field" series. 
* In the obstacle course, you must repeatedly press the fire button to run as fast as possible. Press the jump button in order to clear or mount hurdles of various heights. Complete the course within a specific amount of time to continue the game.
* In the Iron Man race, the controls are the same but you will jump puddles and boulders and swim across a stream. 
* In the firing ranges, aim with the joystick or trackball and shoot using the fire button. There will be various firing range sessions beginning with stationary targets, proceeding to moving targets, and finishing with having to avoid hitting the targets that represent comrades. The comrade targets resemble your drill instructor but you must still avoid hitting them (the wrong targets and the drill instructors) as it will cost you the game. The activities get progressively more difficult as you proceed.

推荐用 最新中文街机模拟器mameplus0.160,最新中文街机模拟器

街机游戏下载地址: 下载点1->点我进行下载
下载说明: ☉推荐使用快车下载新兵训练营,使用 WinRAR v3.50 以上版本解压本站软件。
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