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Haze解释了Mame 0.153没有发布的原因
来源: 作者: 发布时间:2014-03-16  
通过MAME的SVN可以看到底层系统代码正在重构,这会导致整个项目不稳定,而对用户来说看不到什么表面的变化,甚至可能已经完好的功能变成错误的了,这就是为什么官方和Haze的非官方程序很长时间没有正式发布了,因为底层改动太大,太多BUG要修。 这里是原文 If you’ve been following the MAME SVN you’ll have seen there have been a large number of changes being made as of late, refactoring of critical systems layered on top of previous refactoring of other critical systems. If you’ve tried running a build built from the current code you’ll also have noticed that things aren’t especially stable right now, that is to be expected given the nature of the changes that are taking place. When everything is done these changes should result in no user visible difference, but while they’re ongoing they are rather disruptive, that is why you haven’t seen a release, either official (0.153) or unofficial (one of my ‘ex’ builds) in a while; the previous release I did was right before some of the bigger changes hit.
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